Diversity in the Workplace: The Impact of Unconscious Bias. Online Lunch and Learn

  • Event: Diversity in the Workplace: The Impact of Unconscious Bias. Online Lunch and Learn
  • Date: 04/10/2022
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Venue: Online, Online, Online,
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  • There is increasingly robust evidence that a diverse workforce in which all staff members’ contributions are valued is linked to positive outcomes. This session will review this evidence and the negative impact that implicit bias can have.
  • This interactive webinar will be a time effective way for companies to tackle the current issue around a lack of diversity, specifically within posts held at management level.
  • The session is targeted at those involved in recruitment as panel members and will encourage self-reflection around the impact that implicit bias can have on hiring decisions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the 90 min, remotely delivered session, delegates will have;

  1. Accepted that everyone displays unconscious bias and that awareness of this fact is the 1st step in reducing the negative impact it can have.
  2. Reviewed the existing evidence that exists about unconscious bias and how it impacts measurable outcomes.
  3. Learnt practical ways that they can individually work to reduce the impact that their unconscious bias on their decision-making ability.
  4. Agreed practical ways to improve the recruitment decision making processes. What small steps can we all take to improve diversity within the workplace.

About the Presenter

With a background in professional sales, and over 25 years of training/coaching experience, Jo Irwin launched i4 Training in 2013 after taking a voluntary redundancy package from a large multi-national pharmaceutical company. Jo  successfully grew the business, doubling turn over year on year for the 1st 3 years, based completely on word-of-mouth recommendations. Jo likens being a trainer and coach to being a baker! You are only as good as your last cake, however if your cakes are good, people will not only keep coming back for more, they will also recommend you to all of their friends.

This workshop is FREE of Charge, but online registration is required. 

We will share the Zoom link to join webinar a day before the event.

Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4726316942?pwd=M3dYRk9zNU1LakM4c1EyUHBYYXMrdz09

Password: i4Training 

For more information please contact Alan at akelly@shannonchamber.ie

Shannon Chamber Skillnet is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and member companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. For further information please visit www.skillnetireland.ie Skillnet Ireland Trainee Privacy Statement -> HERE