Helen Downes, CEO, Shannon Chamber
Welcome to Shannon Chamber Skillnet
Shannon Chamber has been operating a Skillnet network since September of 2015. It was set up in response to a demand for new areas of training and for training that would be member-driven. Our Network is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and network companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.
Our purpose, as a Skillnet, is to provide member companies with training directly suited to their needs; we assess these requirements annually through undertaking a learning needs analysis, the feedback from which directs our annual training programme offering. We are led by a Steering Group, which is representative of a number of businesses in the greater Shannon area.
Shannon Chamber Skillnet supports the workforce development needs of businesses within the Mid-West region .
Enhancing management capacity, particularly in Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs), is a national policy imperative. Shannon Chamber Skillnet offers tailored training and networking opportunities through a range of Management Development programmes.
Please contact hdownes@shannonchamber.ie to discuss your company’s training requirements.
Helen Downes
CEO, Shannon Chamber
Events & Training

Train the Trainer: Special Purpose Award in Training & Development: QQI Level 6
The Train the Trainer model is recognised...
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